#with that it’s like always having a hand to hold when I need help. it’s the game that teaches me to think inventively and that connects me
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specsthesecond · 2 days ago
You were married off to the king as a young noble woman. The arrangement was rather rushed in your opinion, not that anyone asked for it. The king only needed a show queen, a quiet but present symbol for the kingdom and you suited well enough for that.
He didn’t need a wife for pleasure, he had plenty mistresses for that and he seemed to be in no rush for a successor. You suspected it was because he had no intent to hand over power to anyone else anytime soon. Although, that's just what you assumed, others never blamed him for it. You were always the target of the hushed whispers and silent accusations of infertility, unruliness or even infidelity when it came to the subject of an heir.
The people's gossip aside, it was an easy marriage. You didn’t have to share a bed with a man you didn’t love and you didn’t have to raise his children. Many more deserving women would kill for such a life, which only made you feel worse about the utter discontent you felt. It was the loneliness, mostly. Such a privileged life and yet not a single companion in the world to share it with.
The king and his advisers only speak to you when they need you to make an appearance as queen. Their orders always dripping with condescension and near mockery. They’ve made you smile and wave for hours, waltz until your feet blister and recite a holy text’s worth of pompous poetry but this most recent ploy was particularly concerning.
You sit on your throne next to your husband, hands in your lap, staring at the colourful figure in front of you. The bells on his ridiculous hat jingle as he bows his head so low they almost touch the marble floor. Quiet chuckles emit from the nobility crowding the massive ballroom and the unease in your stomach only builds.
When the jester picks his head back up, you can’t help fiddling even more with your dress, just like your husband's advisers have scolded you not to. The jester silently stares with a sheet white face, big red grin painted across his mouth. You want to shrink under the jesters stare, the blue diamonds painted over his eyes make his gaze feel piercing.
The king grins when he catches your nervous gaze.
“Do you like your surprise, my love? I thought you could use some cheering up lately. As did my advisers.”
He chuckles, looking over at the old men in the corner of the room. They smile back, amusing in a joke you're not a part of.
You just nod your head as politely as possible. You don’t know what's happening, but whatever they have planned can’t be good.
The jester skips up to where you and the king sit. He gives an exaggerated curtsy to the king, earning a laugh from him and the various nobility.
The bells jingle as he springs back up and steps closer to you. He stretches his hand out, you stare at it and then back to your husband.
“The fool wants a dance, my dear. Give him a dance.”
You try to hide the apprehension on your face and reach for the jesters white glove-covered hand. He doesn’t squeeze or pull you up like you expected, instead he holds it gently, waiting for your next move. You rise from your throne and cast one more glance at your husband, who only offers a self-satisfied grin in return. This whole time all they've wanted from you is a perfect queen and now they want you to dance with a fool?
The jester walks you to the middle of the room, encircled by leering nobility. He places your hand on his waist before dramatically correcting the mistake and placing it on his shoulder instead, looking bashfully to the audience who snicker at the joke. He takes your other hand in his and gives you a little nod before the musicians starts playing and he guides you into step.
Now obviously you know very well how to dance, you enjoyed it quite a bit when you were little although, now it’s just become another part of your queenly duties. Did any of that even matter now? Now that it’s clear the king and his peers see you as just as much of a joke as the man you’re waltzing with.
Your deep thoughts are broken when said man unexpectedly twirls you in a dizzying circle. You flail slightly in your surprise but you’re brought back into his arms just as quickly to continue your steps. You fully focus on him now and you wonder what his features look like under that gaudy clown makeup. Even in the bright chandelier lights of the ball room, you can’t make out the colour of his irises. Earlier, you thought they were hazel but now it seems they're an impossibly dark brown.
The dark pools look as if they could swallow all the colour from his face and your own. Actually, has he blinked even once during this dance, or at all for that matter?
You’re not sure if it was your mistake or the jester’s but you step on his foot and he suddenly pulls away from you. He clutches his foot and jumps up and down in theatrical pain. The room bursts into laughter, bellows and cackles. These elite men and women delight in the humiliating performance you’re both putting on for them. It takes everything in you not to cave right there in the middle of it. Why are you being humiliated when you've done nothing wrong?
While the jeering continues, you try your best to steel yourself, replacing the need to cry with spiteful compliance. If they want a dance, they can have a dance.
You curtsy at the jester, offering an apology and hold your hand out to him. He looks around and then points to himself. You can’t help but smile and nod your head.
He takes your hand and when the music starts back up again, you step in time to the beautiful melody. You try and put your full attention on the jester, not anyone else in the large room, which proves to be quite easy as he is by far the most interesting person present. You can just make out the small smile under the red painted grin, his relaxed eyebrows under the bright blue diamonds, the crook of his pointy nose.
While moving in sync, you become almost lost in trying to map out his face under the make-up. You look for imperfections in the face paint but can’t seem to find a single smudge or brush streak, in fact the paint looks impressively even, like it’s a second skin.
It truly does feel like its only you two and the music, for the first time in a long time you feel wanted by someone else.
But when the king grows bored he demands new entertainment.
He motions for the musicians to stop their music and you’re brought back to reality. The jester bows for the crowd, he gestures to you and you offer a little curtsy before being escorted back to your throne. Form there, you watch the rest of the strange performers routine. He juggles an impressive amount of miscellaneous items, he folds himself into ridiculous positions, walks on his hands and generally makes a fool of himself for the crowd.
You watch in delight, though your husband doesn't seem as interested as he was before your little dance.
You think about the jester all the way back to your courters that night. You think about him as you slip on your night dress and slide into bed, and you think of him as you stare up at the ceiling for possibly hours. There is too much on your mind, the fun of watching the jesters performance has subsided and thoughts of what this means for your reputation and position in the court remain constant. A sigh leaves you as you lift yourself up and open the doors to your balcony.
You lean on the balcony ledge and stare out at the starry night sky, not even the strange jester can distract from the humiliation ritual you were just a part of. He could have been in on it for all you know and you're just naive enough to think he was being kind to you during the whole thing.
A shuffling sound from behind you makes you turn your head and it takes you just a split second to register the very colourful jester standing in the corner of your balcony.
The screech you let out is smothered by your own hand. You clutch the edge of the balcony, staring at the slender man who puts his hands up, waving apologies while moving his chest as if laughing, nothing comes out of his mouth. You clutch your heart, breathing quite heavily as you stare at him bewildered. You look around trying to discern where he could have come from, and how you only now hear his bells jingle as he waves his hands, still apologising.
He steps closer and stands tall in front of you, he’s much more imposing than you remember him being. He holds up one finger and then mimics a waltz. His head bows low and he holds his hand out for you to take. He’s asking for another dance but is there really much of a choice at all? Has this also been planned? If you say no, will he just leave? Do you want him to leave? The dance you shared was the most delightful time you've had in so, so long
You stare at him for a good while, he stays with his hand outstretched, bent over at a near 90 degree angle, not straining even a little. The longer you wait, the more uncomfortable you feel in his unwavering presence.
Against your better judgement, you reach out and touch his gloved hand. He curls his fingers around yours and stands upright. You let him bring your hand to his shoulder, place his hand on your waist and step closer. This time is different from the last time. Now it really does feel like his attention is only on you, not with the other guests, not with the performance. It should be frightening, but you find no malice in his eyes, no ridicule in his demeanor.
As he steps into motion, you begin a slow waltz in the small space of your balcony. It's slower than in the ballroom, it's more intimate. While you dance with this complete stranger, your thoughts run rampant, you second guess your judgement again and again. Maybe the kindness you sense from him is a ruse. Maybe he is here on behalf of the king, setting up another degrading show. He could even be an assassin, come to rid you quietly in the middle of the night.
You would deserve such a fate for giving in so easily. You slowly spin in his arms and this time you don't hear the snide laughs of the nobility, just the sounds of the night. Both of you step in time and you let him guide you to the edge of your balcony. You hold your breath as he dips you over the ledge. Your eyes squeeze shut and you let out what could be your last breath ready for him to let go and let you fall.
But he doesn't let go, your grip on his shoulders never slips. You open your eyes, a bit blurry from wetness but you can make out his face, because it's right in front of you even though you're bent over the balcony far enough that your feet have left the ground. You stare back at his unrelenting gaze. In the dim light of the moon his eyes look even darker than before and something new swims in the deep black of his pupils, something sad.
They are lidded as they examine your face, your entire being. His hand on your back presses your chest further into his until you're sure he can feel your rapid heartbeat through your very flesh.
He lifts you upright again, turning you away from the ledge and out of harms way. You’re still chest to chest, he’s so close but you can’t feel him breathe. Your wide eyes stare up at him, trying to discern his expression. Your breaths are short and your grip on him hasn’t let up a bit.
He brings his hands up to your cheeks, the warm fabric of his gloves on your cold cheeks has you easing into them far too easily. His eyes examine every inch of your face while his thumbs stroke your cheeks, you can just barely see the frown on his lips behind the painted smile. He brings your face closer to his, slow and methodical, making it very clear what his next move is. You’re not sure if this was due to his own hesitation or to give you time to pull away, regardless you let him inch closer and closer until his lips grazed yours and you finally feel him breathe out one long breath.
The kiss is deep. Despite being slow and gentle, it still forces a struggled breath from you. You would’ve thought he tasted like paint but he doesn’t, he’s warm and inviting. It’s nice.
Your eyes close, surrendering all hesitation to the stranger in your arms. Fingers dig into the fabric of his puffy striped sleeves as your body melts further into his. You quickly learn to breathe through your nose, out of necessity and unwillingness to part from his affections.
You let him work your mouth open, slipping his tongue inside. The feeling is so foreign, you can’t help but whine. The backs of his fingers flutter over your throat and you shiver.
His tongue fills your mouth, sliding along yours and savouring your taste. The wet muscle reaches far into your mouth, farther than you thought normal but your experience is slim and you don’t have the awareness to fully question it. It’s overwhelming. Your knees tremble and he lowers you both to the cold stone floor. His tongue reaches into your throat, a feat you know is impossible.
You’re too lost to even think of the implications of this, as you gag and convulse around the thick muscle in your throat that no longer feels like a normal tongue. He reaches so far, your eyes roll back, your lower region warms uncomfortably and you forget how to breathe. You tap his shoulders quickly, a plea for air, and he retreats from your throat. He holds you as you cough and heave, wiping the spit from your chin.
You look at him with the an expression full of shock and fear and bewilderment and every other emotion shooting through your fuzzy mind. His expression is hard to discern but he seems both amused and sad.
He stands and brings you up on shaky legs. When he starts to back away, you panic and clutch his hands tighter. You don’t know what you were hoping for. That he would stay? That he would spend the night with you?
His face is full of what you hope is longing and not pity, you know what pity looks like. He holds you close in what you know is a goodbye embrace. He presses his forehead to yours and he places one last short kiss on your lips. Its playfull and very much not what you’d consider a proper good bye kiss. You search his gaze and you’re met with rather boyish mirth, lifting your spirits slightly. Maybe this isn't goodbye then?
He winks at you and takes your hand, spinning you around once, twice and three times before he lets go. When you rebalance yourself and look around the balcony, there is no sight of the jester. It's just the pitying sounds of the night and your only other witness, the moon. Like he was never there at all.
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mattscoquette · 2 days ago
reader going through perv!matt’s journal
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“i’ll be back in a sec, i just need to run downstairs and help chris with something really quick.”
that’s what matt told you over ten minutes ago, and he’s still gone. you were over at the triplets place hanging out with nick, when matt insisted he show you both his new pc set up. it only took nick five minutes to be over it, but you felt bad when you saw matt’s defeatist expression after nick went back to his room. you decided to stay, but soon after matt abandoned you to go do something with chris.
you could’ve gone back upstairs with nick, but you let your curiosity get the best of you, and somehow you were going through matt’s bedside drawers, seeing what he had in there.
you knew matt had a thing for you, he made it very, very clear. although those feelings weren’t really reciprocated, it was fun to tease him. like, really fun.
before you could stop yourself, the leather binding of matt’s journal was in your hands, itching to be opened and read. you thumbed through the pages, reading matt’s chicken scratch handwriting while he wrote about whatever. you didn’t want to be too invasive, but his journal piqued your interest a lot. you wondered if he ever wrote about you, or if he only kept those thoughts in his head.
your eyes skimmed up and down the pages, nothing really standing out to you until you saw your name.
today y/n came over to see nick. she had on this rly short skirt, i think they were going out to a bar or something later. i don’t really care. i overhear her talking to nick about the guys she gets with. i could be so much better than them. i would make her feel so good, where she’d be begging me for more. god her moans are probably so fucking pretty.
your cheeks got hot as they blushed a deep red, fingers flipping to the next entry.
it’s been a few days since i saw y/n, i miss her so much. i’ve probably touched myself to her more times than i can count in the last day or two. i don’t know what it is with her, but she just gets me so worked up. she doesn’t even have to do anything and i’ll literally get hard from her. a couple weeks ago we were at her place and i heard her in the shower. it turned me on so much i couldn’t handle it. i want her so bad.
there’s gotta be something seriously deranged about me. every time that y/n sleeps over here, i always sneak up to nicks room and take a pair of her panties. she has to have noticed by now. i can’t help it though. i use them to get myself off. sometimes she has really pretty lace ones, other ones are really really skimpy. i don’t care though. i wonder what they’d look like on her. she’d probably think im a fucking creep if she ever really found out. i wonder what she’d do.
at this point, your stomach was doing somersaults, and your thighs were pressed together, trying to relieve the ache that had grown in your cunt. maybe it was weird what he was doing, but the level of obsession was turning you on. bad.
you were quick to find a pen somewhere in the bedside drawer, popping the cap off and scribbling underneath the entry in your loopy handwriting.
you naughty boy. you didn’t learn that stealing was wrong? i would probably punish you and not let you cum. i would tease you, get you all wound up and make you hold it. id use my pretty pink panties around your cock to get you off and let you cum in them after edging you for so long. maybe i’ll use my hands too, or my mouth if you’re really good for me.
you grinned to yourself as you shut the journal, drawing your bottom lip in between your teeth before returning the notebook to its rightful place, exactly how you found it.
you knew that matt wouldn’t do anything about it, either. he would see the note, and probably get off to it a million times, but never actually reach out to you. until then, he’d just have to learn how to keep pleasuring himself alone.
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© mattscoquette | taglist
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬. ⋆˚꩜。 inspired by this fic from my girl @st7rnioioss ♡︎♡︎ perv!matt is soooo back i miss that freak
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carnalcrows · 1 day ago
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content warnings: 18+, twt links (you need a twitter account to open the links), unspecified sexual activity, the links are pretty inaccurate, since the bottom is much smaller, but oh well lol, intentional lower case
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sukuna initially doesn't seem like the type to be submissive, but oh, how wrong you were. this man YEARNS. he has so much to do in his everyday routine, do you expect him to be in charge even in bed? god no- it's almost pitiful, the way he sucks your cock, looking up at you doe-eyed as you sit on his throne. (might make a fully-fledged fic of this haha)
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higuruma is a very pent-up man, it doesn't matter how he relieves his stress, even if it means that you have to be balls deep inside him. hours and hours of working on cases do take a toll, all you wanna do is help your dear husband out <33
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nanami is a workaholic. im not even exaggerating, this man has almost never taken a break his ENTIRE life. you decide to change that by practically tying him up to your shared bed one evening and having your way with him. his legs are shaking by the time you two are finished, but it is so worth it.
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geto is skeptical at first, one of those monkeys want to fuck him? ha, the nerve. fast forward to 5 minutes later and you're holding this man in a mating press and fucking his brains out. taunts slip from your mouth, turning him on even more. "what's that, slut? letting yourself get fucked by a mere human? i didn't take you for a common whore." the man whines at the degradation, but he doesn't stop you, i don't think he can!
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gojo doesn't even hesitate when you bring it up lol, this man is IMMEDIATELY on his knees for you. imagine holding him up, facing a mirror as you pound into him from behind. his mind is high on your cock and his ego, he looks so pretty in that goddamn mirror, that he won't stop yapping about it, even as you use his ruined hole. the problem is that he is such a brat, you just gotta fuck the attitude outta him.
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toji does it for the money. it's as simple as that. he finished a bounty for you, and you asked him of this for an extra price. who in the right mind would say no? imagine him riding you, hands on your shoulders as your cock pistons in and out of his hole. even if he is the one getting fucked, it doesn't seem like it. he likes to be in charge if possible.
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choso MY BABYYY!!! god he is so obedient, always listening to whatever you say. his body complies too, back arching to its limit as you pound into him, holding his knees at his shoulders. tears hold so prettily in his eyes as you kiss them away. he just wants to be good for you <3
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© carnalcrows on tumblr. Please do not steal my works as I spend time, and I take genuine effort to do them.
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maskedbyghost · 3 days ago
The first time Simon saw you struggling with your crutches, he didn’t say anything. He just watched from across the barracks as you wrestled with the awkward weight distribution, as your injured foot gingerly hovered above the floor.
He figured you were stubborn enough to push through it alone. After all, you always had before. But then he saw the way you hesitated before stepping up the short flight of stairs leading to the mess hall, your fingers tightening around the crutches until your knuckles turned white. That was when he decided to step in.
He approached without a word and placed his hand under your elbow. You startled, nearly losing your balance, but his grip was firm.
“Easy, love,” he murmured. “You alright?”
You wanted to tell him you had it under control, that you didn’t need help, but the dull ache in your foot—the one that had been hammering at you for hours—said otherwise. You let out a slow breath and nodded, though not convincingly.
He didn’t press for an answer. Instead, he kept his hand near, not quite holding you, but not leaving either.
Over the next few days, Simon was constantly around you. He never made a show of helping you, never made it seem like pity.
He just acted as though it was the most natural thing in the world to be by your side.
When you couldn’t reach something, he handed it to you without being asked. When you needed to sit, he subtly maneuvered people out of the way so you had space.
If you ever so much as wobbled, he was there, catching you before you could fall.
You didn’t know what to make of it. You were friends, sure. You worked together and fought together. But this? This was different.
One evening, as you sat in the common room, foot propped up on a pillow, Simon settled into the chair beside you. He didn’t speak at first, just sat there, arms crossed, staring at nothing in particular. Then, after a long pause, he said, “You’re not a burden.”
You stiffened. “I never said I was.”
He turned his head slightly, looking at you from behind his mask. “Didn’t have to.”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling exposed in a way that had nothing to do with your injury. You tried to muster up a joke, something to deflect, but nothing came out.
Instead, you sighed and glanced down at your bandaged foot. “It’s just… frustrating. Not being able to do anything for myself.”
Simon nodded slowly, like he understood that feeling all too well. “You’re healing,” he said simply. “Takes time.”
“Yeah, well, I hate time,” you muttered, crossing your arms.
He huffed a small chuckle, after which silence stretched between you, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it was comforting. Knowing that he was there for your, was enough.
Days turned into weeks, and your reliance on him lessened, but he didn’t go away. He was still there, hovering in the periphery, making sure you didn’t push yourself too hard.
One particularly cold evening, after another long day of physio, Simon found you outside, sitting on the steps, bundled in a blanket. The air was crisp, and the sky was scattered with stars. He approached silently, as he always did, before lowering himself beside you.
“Shouldn’t be out here in the cold,” he said, voice softer than usual.
“I needed air,” you replied, adjusting the blanket around your shoulders. “And quiet.”
He nodded in understanding and pulled something from his jacket—a thermos. Without a word, he unscrewed the lid and poured a small amount of steaming liquid into it before offering it to you.
You took it hesitantly and took a sip. Tea. It was warm and soothing, just what you needed at the moment.
Simon shrugged as if it was nothing, though the gesture spoke volumes. He watched the sky for a long moment before speaking. “Gonna keep ignoring this?”
You frowned, glancing at him. “Ignoring what?”
He didn’t answer right away. His gaze lingered on you, before he exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly. “Never mind.”
But you knew better. You looked down at the thermos in your hands, fingers tightening around it, before forcing yourself to meet his gaze again.
“I’m not ignoring it,” you said quietly.
Simon tilted his head slightly, looking at you, and after a moment, he reached out. His hand was slow, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear before retreating just as quickly. He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t need to.
You swallowed, feeling your pulse quicken, but you didn’t pull away. Instead, you shifted just a little closer, just enough that your shoulder brushed against his.
A smile grew on your face when you realized that he didn’t moved away.
thank you anon for the request :)
i didn't want to rush them into a relationship, but this is a great beginning of something beautiful, i believe. if you want, i'll write another part where they end up together
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Don't hold my hand, jackass. I would not exist if my parents hadn't fled their home country either. Not grandparents, just parents.
But that was a completely different scenario than this. They were fleeing war. I'm not gonna compare what my parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents went through to this. It's not the same. Maybe with your grandparents, it was more similar, if I had to guess, with it being Poland and all.
Sorry, what I'm saying is I don't need hand holding, I exist in a country that doesn't want me here because of the color of my skin. I face this reality every time I step outside.
Moving on. Mutual aid is useful all the time. There's no better time like the present. And I never said anything about building a future. I said a better end. I know things will still be bad, but simply doing nothing is worse.
The places where you'll be treated as full human beings are already within your grasp. No matter where you go in the world, transphobia will be there. Unless you build those places and you can't do that if you always run. Look I grew up in a town infested with racists. One time when I was a teenager I got jumped by boneheads while walking home after a punk show. They kicked my head into a car door. I still have a bald spot from it. You know what my reaction was as soon as I healed? Getting my friends together and beating the fuck out of them every time we saw them, til we stopped seeing them. We didn't always win the fights, but we always stood our ground. I found a place where I was safe from racist violence by making it. Did I defeat racism? No. But did I find a place where it wasn't tolerated and I was treated as a full human being? Yeah, I would say so.
The way I show support is by mailing half of my next batch of homebrew to my friends in Texas. Only half cus I'm in the midwest, and shit is bad for us here too. The way I show support is by putting my Texas friends in contact with all the networks I've built over my last 20 years in anarchyland. Finding you a place to stay wouldn't be possible without building networks. Unless you had money to just buy stuff, which I do not. Mutual aid is double sided, it's I help you and in turn you also help. That's what makes it mutual. Teaching people to fight back, let's them teach others.
You don't have to be a martyr for revolution because I'm not talking revolution. The revolution isn't coming, we are all we have.
But I respect autonomy. If ya wanna run, you do you. But imma prioritize helping those that choose to stay & fight.
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wonweige · 3 days ago
I want to see more of the princess's life on being a reminder of someone everyone lost! Maybe she acts like them unknowingly and Mydei is getting more overprotective cause of it!
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❝ 185139144 ❞ ✶ but I see her in the back of my mind all the time ! ; not proofread — ignore typos </3 ++ reader (gn!) referred to as ‘you + parent + beloved’ (reader is NOT the little princess)
low-key feel like i didn't do this req justice erm </3 if you want me to redo this just tell me and i will !!
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── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who can feel the watchful eyes of guards no matter where she goes. her small hand clings to the skirt of her governess/nanny as they walk through the market, her expression not showing how she was slightly unsettled and also exasperated. seriously, did she really need guards watching over her 24/7 from the shadows? it was bad enough her uncle phainon constantly popped up out of nowhere and- oh, there he is now.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who deadpans comically as her father enters her room for the umpteenth time that day, checking up on her and making sure she was safe and unharmed. she hadn't even left her room for half of the day, simply playing with the many toys her father had gifted her with, and here MYDEI was, fussing over her like she had been battling nikador himself.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who finds herself staring at the painting of her parent more and more, finding the resemblance between her and them a bit... uncanny. down to the even the smallest curve of the face. she really was a carbon copy of them.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who has been sleeping next to her dad for a while now.. she thinks he's been having nightmares, but she can't really be sure because her father isn't the type of guy to want company while he sleeps just because he's been having nightmares. still, every night, he either goes to her room or she goes to his and he holds her in his strong arms like she'd vanish if he let go.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who likes watching her father train and spar with others. she'll sit to the side, her uncle phainon next to her in case anything went wrong, and cheer on her father with a dazzling smile on her features, confident he'll win because he's the crowned prince and her super strong dad who could take on the entire galaxy if he wanted to!
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who does not know how MYDEI's heart feels heavy as he hears her cheer him on from the sides, her words the exact same as his late beloved's. it's almost enough to make him lose his focus.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who adores the same food as you. it even has to be prepared the exact same way or else she won't even spare it a single glance. much to her delight, it seems that everyone she asks knows how to make it exactly to her liking, telling her that they've made it a million times before. she does her best to ignore how the people that prepared the dish look at her with looks of nostalgia.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who notices how her outings with her governess/nanny grow less frequent and her outings with her father grow more frequent. not that she's complaining! she loves spending time with her father, especially because he can never say no to her and spoils her rotten even if it's unintentional. she doesn't like how she can't run off, though.. her father always holds her hand or carries her when they're out.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who gives an unamused look to her father as he squints with disapproval whenever a boy talks to her. "daddy, he was just asking me where the nearest bathroom was." "he should've asked someone else." "..."
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who is adored by the people. who wouldn't love her? sure, she may be a bit bossy at times, but she always wants the best for those around her. such a smart little girl.
── .✦ THE LITTLE PRINCESS, who can't help but giggle as her father leaves their daddy-daughter tea party, pretty [color] bows in his hair, to attend a meeting. nobody would dare say a thing to MYDEI, however, because who would dare question the crowned prince? (phainon did not let it go, however.)
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rafesbuzzcutseason · 3 days ago
chasing city lights
chapter 20 - sweet time erasing you
synopsis: you move to new york to start fresh, hoping to find comfort in the city’s atmosphere. that’s when you meet sarah cameron, where she takes you to a concert and you catch sight of the lead band member, rafe cameron. it only takes a moment for you to realize you’re captivated by him. as sarah helps you navigate your new life in the city, you start to get pulled deeper into rafe's world—the music, the fame, the chaos. the more you get to know him, the more you realise that rafe is not just the rock star he seems to be. he’s wrestling with his own demons, and the last thing he needs is someone like you getting close.
cw: language, angst, i recommend listening to sad beautiful tragic while reading this...
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the girls all arrived to your place as fast as they could, finding you in a state.
"oh my god" kie said, taking you in. all the girls did nothing but hold you as you fell to the floor, heartbreaking sobs escaping you.
sarah pulled you into her arms as you completely broke down. kie and cleo followed, wrapping themselves around you like they could physically hold you together while your entire world was shattering.
“it’s okay,” sarah whispered, even though it wasn’t. “we’re here. we’ve got you.”
but nothing felt okay. nothing felt real.
your chest ached like someone had physically torn it open, leaving you raw and exposed. sobs racked your body, each one more painful than the last, and no matter how tightly the girls held you, it didn’t stop the emptiness from swallowing you whole.
“i—” you tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat, another choked cry escaping instead.
“i know, y/n,” kie murmured, rubbing your back in slow, soothing circles. “i know.”
but she didn’t. none of them did.
“i can’t-” shaking your head. “i can’t do this. it hurts. it hurts so much.”
sarah tightened her hold on you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “i know, honey. i know it does.”
this wasn’t just heartbreak, this was losing him, losing everything.
"i don't know what to do." you cried.
"there's nothing you can do." cleo said, wiping your tears.
"i have no right to be upset, i broke up with him." you mumbled.
"you have every right to be upset." kie started, "this is raw, this is painful. you're going through heartbreak. allow yourself to feel this."
you swallowed hard, your breath still coming out in uneven gasps. "but what if he never loved me?" the words felt like glass in your throat, cutting you open on the way out.
sarah pulled back just enough to look at you, her brows furrowed, eyes filled with something close to anger. "don’t do that to yourself, y/n. you know he loved you."
"did he?" you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. "because it sure as hell didn’t take him long to replace me."
kie let out a sharp breath, shaking her head. "that doesn’t mean what you two had wasn’t real. but you were the one who walked away. he was always going to do something reckless after that."
you wiped at your swollen eyes. "well, congrats to him. he fucking won. he destroyed me."
sarah cupped your face, forcing you to look at her. "no. you ended it because you knew you deserved better. and that’s the strongest thing you could have done."
kie squeezed your hand. “ heartbreak is messy. it doesn’t make sense. it tricks you into thinking you need someone who hurt you. but you don’t, y/n. you don’t need him.”
but you did. at least, that’s what it felt like.
rafe had been your everything. your home in a new city, your comfort, your person.
and now?
now, he was just someone kissing another girl on your phone screen.
fresh tears welled up in your eyes as you pulled away, wrapping your arms around yourself like you could physically hold in all the pain. “i hate him,” you whispered, but the words felt hollow, not believing yourself.
because no matter how much you wanted to, you didn’t hate him. you hated how easily he seemed to let go. you hated that he got to be the one moving on while you were stuck here, picking up the pieces of something that had already shattered.
sarah sighed, running a hand through her hair. “you don’t have to be okay right now. but one day, you will be. and when that day comes, you’re gonna realise that you deserve so much more."
maybe one day, you’d believe that, but not today. not yet.
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✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
a/n: i am very sorry about this one
taglist: @hoefordrewstarkey @marleymarleymarleymarley @bee-43 @cherryhoneybabe @skye-44 @drewrry @drewrry  @yesterdaysproblemm @dylsdaily @rafeysworldim19 @valyrianflower @kaiparkerwifes@judesgfirl@4urvalidation@chillgal135 @drewstarkeyslover@yesshewrites1@amterasuu@babykhloutofthisworld@blushmimi  @moonywhisp3rs @rafeysworldim19 @marleymarleymarleymarley@sabrina-carpenter-stan-account@vcnillafairy@bambii1i @sammyrenae68 @kittenjujusblog @bambii1i @thesunflowersociety @wtfdudesblog @voidangxls @jjmaybankmylovee @munsoncultedits @emmiesummers @darlingstarkey @sassyvillaintrophy  @pogueprincesa @stylestarkey @sodapopwaldorf
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sleeplessdove · 2 days ago
— under your spell
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♡ amab!jinx x fem! reader
synopsis: sloppy head is stress relief for you and your girlfriend !
a/n: meowmeowmeow
warnings: amab!jinx obvi so DO NOT INTERACT if that makes you upset, not proofread, canonically insane yet caring jinx as well, r! is described as working a job, blowjobs, face fucking, mentions of spit, cum swapping sorta???, r! is pretty exhausted and out of it, descriptions of cum, mentions of choking while giving head, sub! r! & softdom!jinx, praising, degrading, pet names, jinx calls u dollie cause i said so, r! gives head to relax, r! is berry obviously in a submissive headspace so again in case no one was listening to the previous warning: DO NOT INTERACT IF ANY OF THESE CONCEPTS MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE !
wc: 2.5k
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Every inch of your body is exhausted , your bones aching from a work week that felt all too long. Your eyes are barely half lidded as you rest your body against your girlfriend, the two of you pressed close together on the sofa. 
Most of your nights were spent like this, your body needing the comfort that Jinx provided you with each and everyday. It was always hard for her to sit still enough to let you rest against her, but she’d do anything for you. 
The quiet hum of the television only seems to make you more sleepy, your breathing growing soft and slow. She takes notice immediately, as her eyes have never once left your features. Over the last few weeks, you had taken on more work than you could handle, which meant you were rarely home. 
The brief moments Jinx had with you kept her from losing it completely, as it was unusual for you to be apart from her so often. This meant that when the two of you were together, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. She knew the toll the long hours were taking on you and she wanted to be there to help ease all the overwhelming emotions you were plagued with. 
She lets you play with her fingers as you make a weak attempt to keep yourself awake, smiling to herself due to how sleepy you look. “You ready for bed, dollie?” she questions in the quietest voice she can possibly manage. 
You only shake your head and furrow your brows in response, as if offended by her suggestion that you were even tired to begin with. Instead of questioning you, Jinx simply watches as you use her fingers to trace over your cheek, your eyes glancing up at her every now and then. 
Before she even gets the chance to tell you that you need to rest, you brush her fingers against your plush lips. The contact alone causes a slight shiver to run through your body, her fingertips warm since you had been holding her hand since you got home. She picks up on your reaction within seconds but makes no comment, simply watching as you curiously part your lips and ease her middle and ring finger into your mouth. 
The way you look up at her with those eyes full of adoration, as if she were God himself, has her heart pounding in her chest and her cock twitching as her body registers the heat emanating from your mouth. She feels like a complete pervert for getting off to the simple sight of you sucking on her fingers, but she can’t help herself. 
The weight of her two fingers on your tongue seems to quiet your mind, a soothing silence filling your head as you push her fingers deeper into your mouth. Your brows furrow in frustration when you realize her fingers can only do so much for you. 
With so much tension in your body, you’re craving something that’ll shut your mind up and help soothe you. Jinx coos at the sight of your pout as she gently eases her fingers out of your mouth, her free hand shamelessly palming her cock through the soft fabric of her pajama pants. 
“Not enough, is it? Greedy things like you need something better, huh?” she questions with a faux pout, her body so close to yours that its as if your hearts are intertwined in that moment, beating as one. Blue strands of hair tickle your cheek and you can’t help but smile, soft laughs tumbling from your lips at the sensation instinctively. Jinx’s own high pitched giggles fill the room, the sound breathless and periodically interrupted by lewd moans. 
Her eyes seem to glow as they dart over each curve of your face, so pleased to hear the carefree sounds filling the room around her. As your laughter died down, she mimicked you, which soothes you in a way. It’s almost like each move between the two of you is coordinated. 
You nod and she does the same afterwards with a delighted grin, as if confirming that she knew what you needed all along. She whimpers as she eases her hand off of her dick, instead focusing on guiding your movements so she can put you in a different position. 
You don’t even think to question her, lost in a daze as she places you on the floor, your body kneeling between her slender thighs as if you were nothing more than her pet. You smile up at her, as sweet as ever as she uses a gentle hand to push back your hair so she can take in your pathetic appearance. 
“Look at my poor baby” she whispers, as if truly taking in every last detail of your appearance. She gently pats your cheek to see if it’ll cause any reaction, and when you remain still she makes a split second decision. 
She smacks your cheek, not hard enough to make you cry, just enough that you can feel your skin tingling. The pain of it only makes you lean into her more, as the sensation caused by her provided you with relief you didn’t know you were seeking out. 
She scoffs lightheartedly as you lean your face against her palm, your movements akin to a puppy desperate for their owner’s attention. You only move from the position so you can press your soft cheek against her obvious erection, a pleased hum leaving your lips as you feel her cock twitch through the thin material. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, you know what to do. Show me how pretty girls like you suck cock” she drawls, the words filthy and yet somehow inviting. The mere idea of getting to feel her on a much more intimate level has you squirming, feeling shy under her relentless gaze. 
So you simply huff, nuzzling your face against her lap and mouthing at her cock through the thin fabric that separated the two of you. But Jinx knows she needs to coax you out of your shy headspace by guiding you towards what you want. 
She clicks her tongue, as if reprimanding you. “Use that brain of yours for me, don’t you wanna make me feel good?” she questions in an almost gleeful tone, delighted to have you where she wants you. 
In response, you slowly nod your head, so sleepy and pliant. You whine weakly as she pulls your head up by your hair so that she can raise her hips enough to shove down her pajama bottoms along with her plaid boxers. With shaky hands, you help her get the material off so that it can be discarded off to the side. 
From the waist down, she is completely bare. And you are all too eager to be greeted by your favorite sight. 
Jinx’s cock is particularly pretty to you, the slight curve of it along with the adorable pink flush of it makes you practically tremble from your own eagerness. Her tip weeps precum, a little white pearl forming that makes your mouth water. 
She uses her grip on your hair to bring your mouth closer, a soft fuck falling from her lips as she feels your breath fanning against her sensitive skin. “Give it a little kiss, that’s what good pets do” she guides in a soothing voice, doing her best to keep her own urges under control. 
You don’t even have to think for yourself anymore, as she makes sure you’re close enough that you can easily press a kiss to the head of her cock. Jinx tenses from the sensation, her brows knitting as she tries to stay in her role of power. 
The sight of you, in her firm grasp with your lips now glossy with her own precum smeared onto them just might send her to an early grave, as she can barely handle it. “So smart” she praises, her hips instinctively rolling to seek out more pleasure. 
She doesn’t stop herself from rutting her dick against your cheek, the way you simply let her do as she pleases making more crazed giggles fall from her lips. “Just a little more” she mutters, more to herself than you at this point. 
You just blink up at her, your cheek now sticky from her arousal. But it’s not as if you mind— after all, there was nowhere in the world you’d rather be. 
So you simply part your lips, your pink tongue peeking out as she pushes your head down slowly. The weight of her heavy cock on your tongue makes you moan around her, your arousal only adding to her own. Finally, after a relentless week, you were at ease. 
“Breathe in through your nose” she reminds you in a shaky voice, her mind still working to make sure that you don’t pass out while taking her down your throat. Jinx doesn’t play favorites, she loves your mouth just as much as she loves your precious cunt but God, there was nothing quite like the sound of you struggling to stuff her cock into your mouth. 
You keep your gaze focused on her, your eyes straining a bit to do so but you need to see her reaction to every one of your actions. Your hands remain on her thighs to keep you grounded, your throat constricting as she bullies her way in. 
“Gonna help you now, baby” she stutters, her chest heaving as she tugs your hair upwards slowly until only the tip of her dick lies within the heaven that is your mouth before she pushes your head back down until her whole cock disappears into you once more. 
For a moment you think she’s going to keep the agonizingly slow pace but within seconds she has lost her sanity once more, her hips relentlessly thrusting in order to please herself. 
It takes all your strength not to choke on her cock that was all too big considering her thin frame, although it helps that it’s pleasurable for you to suck her off in more ways than one. “There you go, juuuuust like that” she hiccups, tears welling in her own eyes from the overwhelming sensation. 
The lewd sound of her fucking your face doesn’t bother you in the slightest, the continous shluck shluck shluck mixing with your shared moans. She was a woman lost in the throws of passion, mindlessly fucking your throat as if you were nothing more than a doll. 
For you, this was heaven. There was no thinking for yourself when you were busy getting your face fucked, your jaw aching in the best way as it’s forced to stay wide open. There were no responsibilities that you had to worry about when you were between her thighs like this, reducing you to her perfect girlfriend once more. 
Your lithe body doesn’t resist any of her movements, although your throat constricts and disgusting frothy spit dribbles from the corners of your mouth and down your chin. The sight pushes Jinx closer to the edge, her eyes locking onto yours as she frantically chases her orgasm. 
With your cheeks hollowed, you work her cock effortlessly. Her taste is familiar and soothing in a fucked up kind of way, making the rest of the world slip away for a few moments. 
Well that, or you were beginning to pass out from a lack of oxygen. Either way, you weren’t going to stop her from using you. 
You can feel her twitching in your mouth, a sign that she’s close. So you try to relax your throat, wanting to be able to take every last drop of her load. 
To your dismay however, she pulls out, although she keeps you close, a string of spit still connecting you to her dick. “Lift up your shirt, need to cum on those tits” she demands breathlessly, her infatuation with your breasts never seeming to fade even in the midst of such an intense moment. 
You don’t need to be told twice, tugging up your shirt as quickly as you can when your mind is in the control of someone else. Thankfully there was no bra to block Jinx’s view of your chest, combinations of curse words falling from her lips that you had never even heard before. 
She furiously works her cock, her skin still slick from all the saliva you left behind. Her fist slides with ease, mimicking the feeling of your tight throat to bring her to the edge. “Fuckfuckfuck” she whimpers as she blows her load on your chest, sticky strings of cum landing on your supple skin. 
You focus on the way she bites her lip enough to make it bleed as she tries to control her moans, her balls drawn up tight as she coats you in her release. It pleases you beyond words to be able to be so well behaved for her. 
As she comes back down, her hips still weakly humping the air, she takes notice of your slight pout as you gaze down at your cum glazed tits. 
“Dollie, what's the matter?” she questions, her nerves prickling with fear that she had pressured you into something you didn’t want to do. You look at her with sad eyes, as if you had missed out on an opportunity. 
“I wanted it down my throat, wanted to taste it again” you confess before refocusing on the creamy liquid that coated you. Jinx wants to scoff at how pitiful you truly are but she decides against it, opting to give you what you want. 
Without skipping a beat, she scoops up some of her cum off your chest and sucks it off her fingers. While holding it in her mouth, she uses one hand to grasp your face, forcing your pouty lips to part for her. 
She spits her own release into your mouth, her saliva making it taste even sweeter than usual. The action is vile, yet you are left feeling as if you are floating high above the rest of the world. 
The taste of her cum brings your relief, proof that you had made her feel good enough to get off. You swallow it down eagerly after a while of letting it sit on your tongue, letting her repeat the process until there’s only sticky residue left on your tits. 
She pats your cheek affectionately afterwards, smiling down at you as if she hadn’t just treated you like a rag doll. Jinx could care less about her nakedness, her softening cock still on display as you remain kneeling for her. 
It fills her heart to see you grinning up at her, fucked dumb and perfectly sleepy. “We’ll go to bed, mkay? We can just uhmmm…” she trails off, a huff of her laughter sounding throughout the living room as she takes in your debauched state. “We can just clean you up once you’re more awake” she finally hums. 
She knows you’ll likely crave more relief amidst the long night, but she was more than willing to cater to every little need you have. 
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jisungiesvzz · 3 days ago
Hii I absolutely loves ur fanfic!! Would u mind doing a jeongin version on unexpected?
I'm sorry this took so long to write! I’ve been having heavy workloads from school and I've also had writers block ugh. Anyways, I hope you enjoy :).
Crossing Lines
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Idol!Jeongin x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing lessons, making out, neck kissing
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: please let me know if I missed warnings, otherwise enjoy :)
Versions: Hyunjin // Han // Jeongin
The afternoon sun streams through Jeongin's apartment windows, casting golden hues across the living room. You sit cross-legged on the floor, a small velvet pouch between your fingers as you rummage through its contents.
"I still can't believe I forgot my jewelry," you sigh, carefully examining a silver chain with a small fox pendant. "You sure you don't mind me borrowing yours?"
Jeongin smiles from his position on the couch, phone in hand as he scrolls through his social media feed, hoping to run across a good hang out spot near you. "What's mine is yours, y/n. Three years of friendship earns you jewelry-borrowing privileges."
Giving him a soft smile, you hold up one of his earrings to the light, a simple silver hoop that catches the sunbeam and sparkles.
"It's scary how well you know me," you laugh, sorting through more pieces. "Like, you knew I'd forget something tonight."
"That's why I always keep extra stuff around for you," he replies, setting his phone down. "I am fully prepared for Hurricane Y/N."
You playfully throw a small cushion at him, which he catches effortlessly. You can't imagine your life without these little moments—the casual hang outs in his apartment, the inside jokes, the way he always seems to understand exactly what you need.
"Hey, remember that truth or dare game at Chan's party last week?" Jeongin suddenly asks, a tint of curiosity in his voice.
You groan, instantly knowing where this was heading. "Please, not this again."
"I'm just saying," he continues, sitting up straighter, "I was surprised when you said you've never been kissed. I mean, you're twenty-two!"
You feel your cheeks warm, lowering your voice to a near mumble. "So? Some people are late bloomers..."
"It's not a bad thing," Jeongin says quickly. "I just... I don't know, I just assumed you had."
You shrug, suddenly finding the jewelry in your hands incredibly fascinating. "I guess I've just never found the right person... or the right moment."
A weighted silence settles between you, unusual in its intensity. You can feel Jeongin's eyes on you, but you can't bring yourself to meet his gaze.
"I could teach you."
The words hang in the air, simple yet earth-shattering. Your head snaps up, certain you've misheard.
"Teach me what?"
Jeongin's expression is unreadable, a mix of nervousness and something else you can't quite place. "How to kiss. If you want."
You feel like the air has been sucked from the room. This is Jeongin—your best friend, the person who holds your hair back when you're sick and who can make you laugh until your sides hurt.
"That would be weird, wouldn't it?" you manage, your voice barely above a whisper.
He shrugs, attempting nonchalance though you can see the tips of his ears turning pink. "Only if we make it weird. It's just a skill, like teaching someone to drive or cook."
"A skill," you repeat skeptically.
"Yeah," he says, sliding down from the couch to sit across from you on the floor. "And then when you meet someone you actually want to kiss, you'll be ready."
You bite your lip, considering the possibility. The idea sends butterflies swarming through your stomach, but there's also a strange sense of... curiosity.
"Nothing would change between us?" you ask cautiously.
Jeongin shakes his head firmly. "Nothing. We're best friends first, always. This would just be me helping you out."
You take a deep breath. "Okay."
"Okay?" His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
"Yes. Teach me." You confirm, your heart pounding through your chest.
Jeongin moves closer, his movements careful and deliberate. "So first, it helps if you face each other," he explains, his voice lower than usual.
You readjust your position, suddenly hyperaware of every inch of space between you and him. The jewelry laying forgotten on the floor beside you.
"Usually there's eye contact," he continues, and you force yourself to meet his gaze. His eyes—those familiar eyes you've looked into a thousand times—now seem different, deeper somehow.
You tried convincing yourself that it’s just kissing lessons but something about kissing him feels more intimate than it should.
"Then what?" you whisper.
"Then, one person usually leans in. Sometimes both." His hand comes up to gently brush a strand of hair from your face, and you feel your breath catch. "Sometimes there's touching. Like this."
His fingers trace a feather-light path along your jawline, coming to rest at the nape of your neck. The sensation sends shivers down your spine.
"And then?" Your voice is barely audible now.
Instead of answering, Jeongin leans forward, closing the distance between you. His lips press against yours, gentle and questioning. Your eyes flutter closed instinctively, your hand tentatively reaching up to rest on his shoulder.
The kiss is soft, a brief moment of connection that ends almost as quickly as it began. Jeongin pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours.
"That's the basics," he says, his voice rough around the edges. "A simple first kiss."
You nod, unable to form words. Your lips tingle where his had been, and you find yourself wanting more—a realization that both thrills and terrifies you.
He's your best friend. Right…?
As if reading your thoughts, Jeongin speaks again. "Then there are... deeper kisses."
"S-show me..." you whisper, surprising yourself with your boldness.
This time when he leans in, there's an urgency that wasn't there before. His lips capture yours more confidently, one hand cradling your face while the other slides around your waist, drawing you closer. You respond instinctively, your fingers tangling in his hair, gently tugging at the strands.
What started as a lesson quickly transformed into something neither of you anticipated. The kiss deepened and you feel yourself being gently guided backward until you're lying on the floor, Jeongin hovering above you, your lips never parting.
When you finally break apart, both breathing heavily, you stare up at him in wonder. His hair is disheveled where your fingers have been, his eyes dark and intense.
"Innie…" you breathe, not knowing what else to say.
Without a word, he dives right back in, capturing your lips with a newfound hunger. There's no hesitation now, his movements filled with a hunger you’ve never seen before — his body pressing down against yours making you gasp into his mouth. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, any thoughts of keeping distance between you long forgotten.
"There's more I can teach you," he murmurs against your lips, his voice husky with want. Before you can respond, his mouth begins to trail along your jawline, leaving a path of fire in its wake.
"Different types of kisses," he explains between soft pecks along your skin, "are for different sensations."
Your breath hitches as his lips reach the sensitive spot just below your ear. Instinctively, your head tilts to give him better access, your fingers tightening in his hair.
"Like here," he whispers, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. Then his lips press against your neck, gentle at first, then with increasing pressure. The sensation is entirely new to you, electric pulses shooting through your body with each kiss.
"Innie," you gasp, overwhelmed by the feeling.
His hand slides up to cradle the other side of your neck, a small smile forming on his lips at the nick name as his thumb gently strokes your cheek, his kisses become more intense. You feel the gentle graze of his teeth, followed by the soothing warmth of his tongue against your pulse point, a soft moan falling from your lips as he repeated the action.
"Some people," he murmurs against your skin, "are more sensitive here than on their lips." As if to demonstrate, he places an open-mouthed kiss at the space where your neck meets your shoulder, causing you to arch involuntarily against him.
You're lost in sensation, any remaining thoughts about this being just a lesson completely gone. Your hands roam across his back, pulling him closer as he continues his thorough exploration of your neck.
When he finally returns to your lips, the kiss is different—deeper, more confident, as though he's staking a claim. You respond with equal fervor, the taste of him now familiar yet intoxicating.
As Jeongin pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, a small smile plays at his lips. "So," he says softly, "how was your first lesson?"
"I- I don't know what to say," you softly gasped, still recovering your breath.
Placing a soft peck on your lips, he sits up off the ground, gently taking your hand in his. "Come on. Let's go finish our original plans for the day."
Heart beating through your chest, you let him guide you off the ground and through the front door — the heated moment hanging in the air. A small part of you wishing it hadn't ended.
The next evening, you were in Stray Kids' dorm, squeezed comfortably between Jeongin and Hyunjin on the large sectional sofa. Chan had insisted on a movie night—something about needing to unwind after their intense practice schedule—and naturally, as Jeongin's best friend, you were included in the invitation.
What the others don't know is how everything changed between you and Jeongin just twenty-four hours ago.
The memory of his lips on yours, on your neck, makes your cheeks flush even now. You've spent most of today exchanging knowing glances, the anticipation of seeing him again had your stomach in knots all day.
"Everyone good with the movie choice?" Chan asks, remote in hand as he navigates through Netflix.
You barely register what film he selected—some action thriller the group has been wanting to watch. All you can focus on is Jeongin's proximity; the subtle scent of his cologne, the warmth radiating from his body next to yours.
"Y/N, want some?" Felix offers you the bowl of popcorn from across the coffee table.
"Thanks," you murmur, reaching for it. As you settle back with the bowl, Jeongin shifts closer, his thigh now pressed firmly against yours.
The lights dim as Chan starts the movie. Under the cover of darkness, Jeongin's hand finds yours, his fingers intertwining with yours between your bodies where no one else can see. Such a simple touch shouldn't send your heart racing, but after last night, everything is different.
Twenty minutes into the film, you're not following the plot at all. How could you, when Jeongin's thumb is tracing lazy circles on the back of your hand? When his breath occasionally tickles your ear as he leans over to whisper some joke about the movie?
By the thirty-minute mark, his hand had moved to your knee, resting there casually as though it belongs. The weight of it burns through the fabric of your jeans.
Halfway through the movie, during a particularly intense action sequence that has everyone's attention fixed on the screen, Jeongin's hand begins to move. Slowly, torturously, his fingers trace upward along your thigh, just far enough to make your breath hitch, gently squeezing the flesh.
You shoot him a warning glance, but the innocent smile he gives you in return is betrayed by the mischievous glint in his eyes. He knows exactly what he's doing.
His hand retreats momentarily when Changbin gets up to refill drinks, but as soon as everyone is settled again, it returns—this time sliding to your inner thigh, his touch feather-light but unmistakably close to where you could feel yourself growing needy. Your body responds immediately, heat pooling low in your abdomen, his hand now venturing into territory that makes your pulse quicken and your thoughts get jumbled up.
When his fingers inch higher, gently squeezing your thigh, you nearly jump. It's too much—the darkened room, his members just feet away, completely oblivious, and Jeongin's touch threatening to unravel you entirely.
"Bathroom," you whisper, standing abruptly. Jisung pauses the movie, looking up at you questioningly.
"Just need a quick bathroom break," you explain, forcing a casual smile. "Don't wait up, I've seen this part."
You slip away from the living room, heart hammering against your ribs as you make your way down the hallway. The cool bathroom tiles are a relief under your feet as you close the door behind you, leaning against it and exhaling slowly.
"Get it together," you mutter to yourself, turning to face the mirror — your reflection showing flushed cheeks and bright eyes.
Splashing cold water on your face, you hear a soft knock at the door.
"Y/N?" Jeongin's voice is low, just audible enough for you to hear. "You okay?"
Taking a deep breath, you open the door just enough to see him standing there, concern etched across his features—though the darkness of his eyes tells another story.
"I'm fine," you whisper. "We should get back before they—"
Before you can finish, Jeongin has slipped inside, closing the door behind him with a soft click. The bathroom suddenly feeling much smaller with him in it, the air between you charged with tension.
"What are you doing?" you ask, voice sounding small.
"I couldn't help myself," he admits, closing the distance between you. "Sitting next to you, not being able to really touch you... it's driving me crazy."
"Your members are right outside," you remind him, even as your body betrays you by leaning toward his.
"They're absorbed in the movie," he counters, his hands finding your waist. "Besides, I told them you weren't feeling well and I was checking on you."
"And they believed that?"
A small smile plays at his lips. "Felix gave me a knowing look, but the others are clueless."
Your protest dies in your throat as Jeongin presses you gently against the wall, his body flush against yours. Any restraints from before evaporated into thin air as his lips capture yours in a kiss that's hungry and desperate.
Your hands immediately find their way into his hair, pulling him closer as his tongue meets yours. This isn't the careful instructional kiss from yesterday—this is raw need, months of pent-up desire finally breaking free.
"I've been thinking about this all day," he murmurs against your lips, his hands sliding under the hem of your shirt to touch and squeeze the bare skin at your waist. "About you."
Your response is lost as his mouth moves to your neck, finding the sensitive spots he discovered yesterday. The sensation pulls a soft moan from you, which Jeongin quickly silences with another kiss.
"Quiet," he whispers, a teasing glint in his eye. "Unless you want everyone to hear."
The thought of being caught should terrify you, but instead, it only heightens everything—the racing of your pulse, the heat of his touch, the urgency of your kisses.
His hand slides back to your thigh, higher than he dared in the living room, his fingers tracing patterns that make your breath catch. When he presses his hips against yours, you can feel exactly how much he wants you.
"Innie," you gasp as his lips find a particularly sensitive spot below your ear.
“Fuck, y/n.” he grumbles against your neck, softly nipping and licking at the skin there, eliciting more moans from you.
“Innie, ngh, you’re gonna l-leave marks,” you whined, your defiance falling short as you arched into him.
“We should stop,” he mumbles between open mouthed kisses.
You both knew you should, but neither of you make an effort to move.
A sudden knock on the door makes you both freeze.
"Y/N? Jeongin?" It's Chan's voice. "Everything okay in there? Movie's almost over."
Removing himself from your neck, Jeongin clears his throat. "We're fine, hyung. Y/N just felt a little dizzy. We'll be out in a minute."
"Okay," Chan replies, though you can hear the question in his tone. "We're thinking of ordering food after."
Footsteps retreat down the hallway, and you both release the breath you've been holding.
Jeongin's forehead drops to yours, a small laugh escaping him. "That was close."
"Yeah," you let out breathy laugh. "We should get back."
He nods, stepping back reluctantly, but not before pressing one more lingering kiss to your lips. "This isn't over yet," he promises, his voice low with intention.
As you straighten your clothes and Jeongin attempts to fix his hair, you catch his eye in the mirror. The boy who was just your best friend yesterday now looks at you with an intensity that makes your knees weak.
"Ready?" he asks, hand on the doorknob.
You nod, knowing that while you're about to return to a room full of his members and pretend nothing has changed, everything has. The line you crossed yesterday isn't just crossed—it's been erased entirely, replaced by something new and thrilling and completely uncharted.
As Jeongin opens the door, his hand finds yours for just a moment, giving it a squeeze before letting go. It's a promise of what's to come, once you're alone again.
And suddenly, you can't wait for this movie night to end.
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woso-story · 6 hours ago
Alexia's Wisdom Teeth Removal
Alexia Putellas x Reader
The morning sun filtered through the curtains as you stretched, feeling the warmth of your shared bed. Today was an unusual day off from training, but you had taken it for a good reason—to take care of Alexia.
Your girlfriend had been dreading this day for a while, even if she tried not to show it. She needed to have her wisdom teeth removed, and while she had initially said her sister could go with her, you had insisted. You wanted to be there for her, no matter how small the procedure. You knew Alexia—always independent, always tough—but you could sense her nervousness in the way she had been fidgeting since the night before, checking and rechecking the appointment details as if she had forgotten them.
The drive to the doctor's office was quiet. Alexia sat beside you, her leg bouncing up and down, her teeth worrying her bottom lip. She barely spoke, just stared out the window, lost in thought. You glanced over at her, noticing her tension, and reached out to place a reassuring hand on her thigh, giving it a small squeeze. She looked at you, her eyes softening, and gave you a grateful smile.
"You'll be okay," you murmured, keeping your eyes on the road. She exhaled a shaky breath, nodding slightly, but her hands still gripped the hem of her hoodie tightly.
Once at the doctor's office, you checked her in at the front desk while she sat down, her fingers drumming anxiously on her knee. It wasn’t long before they called her name. She stood, and you gave her a quick peck on the temple. "Good luck, carino. I'll be right here when you're done."
An hour later, a nurse came out to let you know the procedure was over. Alexia was ready to go home, though she was still quite groggy from the sedative. Stepping inside the recovery room, you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing.
Alexia looked absolutely lost, holding two ice packs to her cheeks, her expression dazed and confused. The moment she spotted you, her face lit up into a wide, goofy smile—only for her to wince at the pain that followed. Her eyelids drooped heavily, and she blinked slowly, as if trying to process where she was.
You chuckled, walking over to her. "Ready to go home?"
She gave an exaggerated nod, her eyes barely staying open. Carefully, you helped her out of the chair and guided her to the car. The entire ride home, she mumbled incoherently, a mix of complaints about her numb face and declarations of love for you.
"You’re the best," she slurred. "Like, the best best. My favorite person ever."
You tried not to laugh as you drove. "Yeah? You’re pretty great too, Lex."
Once you arrived home, you led her inside and settled her onto the couch. She pouted dramatically when you took the ice packs from her but sighed in relief when you replaced them with fresh ones.
"You comfy?" you asked, brushing some hair from her forehead.
She nodded lazily. "Mhm. But I want cuddles."
You smirked. "Later, okay? Let me get you some medication first."
The rest of the day was quiet. Alexia, who was usually always up and moving, had no choice but to rest. She dozed on and off, her head occasionally lolling onto your shoulder whenever you sat beside her. It was strange to see her like this—so soft, so needy—but you took the chance to pamper her as much as possible. You brought her water, kept her comfortable, and ensured she didn’t try to sneak in a workout, much to her displeasure.
That evening, she went to bed earlier than usual. You stayed behind in the kitchen, preparing some soup for her for the next day when you’d be at training.
Just as you were putting things away, you heard a faint whining coming from the bedroom. You walked in to find Alexia pouting, arms open toward you. "Cuddles."
You laughed, shaking your head. "I'll join you soon, I just need to do the laundry—"
"No." Her voice was muffled by the ice pack, but her tone was firm. She whined again, looking at you with pleading eyes, her usual composed demeanor completely gone.
Sighing dramatically, you climbed into bed beside her, chuckling. "You’re so needy right now," you teased.
"Shhh." She huffed, burying her face in your shoulder.
You gently took the ice pack from her and placed a soft kiss on each of her swollen cheeks. She pouted but then looked up at you expectantly.
Laughing, you pressed a delicate kiss to her lips, mindful of her soreness. She hummed happily, snuggling closer.
Over the next few days, Alexia had no choice but to take it easy, though it drove her crazy. After two days, she was already sneaking into the home gym, doing light workouts.
"Lex, you’re supposed to be resting," you scolded, crossing your arms.
"I am," she defended, stretching lightly. "Just… moving a little."
You sighed, shaking your head. "You’re impossible."
She grinned cheekily, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
You did your best to take care of her while she recovered, knowing that normally, she wouldn’t let you dote on her like this. Soon enough, she was back to training, back to her usual self. But part of you missed the clingy, snuggly Alexia from those few days—though you knew better than to tell her that.
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blxxmingrose · 11 hours ago
the many losses hans had taken that afternoon felt like nothing when he saw how comfortable june was in their couch, leaning back and stretching like he was very much a fixture in this house as much as sunny was. hans couldn’t help but think about how this would feel like, coming home to this every night, having that smile greet him warmly after a long day. 
it felt so real in the moment, and hans allowed himself to hold it in his heart, to let it live there until it grew to be the reality of his life. 
with a smile on his face, he followed june and sunny into the kitchen, like two orbs in the dark that would always lead him home. “i think i have all the ingredients i need for a really special dinner for winners,” he spoke out loud, a glint in his eyes as he took the ingredients and placed them on the counter. 
something deep within him reassured him that no matter what he made, even if it was a simple dish, would be met with plenty of love, but just like with everything else that involved june and sunny, he found himself always wanting to do his best. that’s how it is, isn’t it? he thought as he started to wash some vegetables. when you’re doing something for someone special, you always want to be the best at it. 
and yet, he didn’t feel any pressure at all. sunny was as carefree as ever, grimacing at vegetables she didn’t recognize, and still recalling how she had cleaned them both out at uno. june’s teasing tone had an undercurrent of sweetness that hans felt to his bones, as if saying, “you’re enough. it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re enough.” 
“so,” hans spoke as he chopped some of the ingredients, his hand careful with the knife as he threw a quick glance at june. “how much do i have to convince you to play more games with us in the future?” in hans’ mind, june had already given his quiet approval, had already made a place for himself around the table, but if june decided hans had to work for it, then so be it.
“if the good food and overflowing snacks haven’t convinced you yet, i’m sure i could come up with some other way—” he caught sunny in his peripheral vision, and her expression made him laugh “—that’s if sunny’s pout doesn’t work, of course.”  
june leaned back against the couch, stretching his arms over his head with an exaggerated sigh, like playing round after round of uno had physically exhausted him. “ahhh, victory tastes so sweet, doesn’t it, sunny?” he mused, casting a glance in sunny’s direction before dropping his arms dramatically. sunny giggled beside him, clearly proud of her own wins.
he ruffled her hair lightly before crossing his arms over his chest, shifting just enough to meet hans’ gaze — the same teasing, familiar look hans had given him moments ago. “and here i thought you’d never ask,” he said smoothly, tilting his head slightly. “i believe your little assistant is ready.”
june wasn’t blind to the way hans looked at him, to the way that playful challenge in his eyes softened just a little, something warm flickering underneath. it was in the way hans had checked on him earlier, in the way he made sure neither of them were hungry or tired, in the way his first instinct was to look at june like he belonged here. as if this was natural. like he was already a part of this little family.
june rolled his shoulders, pretending to shake off the weight of his ‘many victories’ before pushing himself up to his feet and helping sunny up as all. “alright, chef,” he said, stepping toward the kitchen, throwing a glance over his shoulder. “let’s see what you can do.” he didn’t need to turn around to know hans would follow.
but he also didn’t need to look to know that something in the air between them had shifted. that this wasn’t just a game, nor just a meal. that the warmth in hans’ eyes, the way he so easily pulled june into this space was something real between them. he still wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew he’d stay anyway.
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thewitchblue · 2 days ago
"Did you join the fucking military?"
Jason asked Tim, who blinked blankly at Jason until he noticed what he was holding. Jason was holding your military tags, which Tim's selfishly kept to himself when you "lost" them. Technically, he stole the tags from you, but you can always get a new set. You'll be matching! He did feel a little bad that you got in trouble with leadership when you asked for new ones, but he's sure you'd be fine without the old pair.
Tim didn't elaborate further. The tags have practically lived on him since he stole them. He only ever takes them off for showers, which is how Jason found them. Jason scoffed,
"Good. You'd be a shit soldier. Why do you have military dog tags?"
Tim tried to take them back, but Jason held them above his head. Your dog tags are air jailed until he gets answers. Jason needed to know.
"Answer or I'll find a place to smelt them down."
Tim knew he was serious by the gleam in Jason's eyes, so he said,
"My girlfriend is in a special forces unit for the marines. She refuses to tell me which unit she's in, but I've narrowed it down."
Jason was too stunned to notice that he dropped your dog tags. Tim snatched them off the floor and put them safely around his neck again and tucked under his shirt where they belonged. He likes to say that you're closer to his heart with your tags under his shirt with the bonus of protecting him from any potential bullets. Even when you are gone, you promise that you will always come back. He's used to your deployment and the limbo you have him in.
"When do I get to meet her?"
Dick said from the doorway. He was passing by and overheard. His little Timmy has a girlfriend? When did that happen?
Tim touches the tags while thinking of what to reveal and what to keep private. He's never been good at respecting privacy, but he has been learning for you. He knows to keep anything you say to him a secret, but what about other things relating to you?
"Whenever she wants. I'm not her keeper."
Tim answered vaguely. He's flying to see you soon, and he doesn't want to be followed. You've been together for three years, but you met kind of awkwardly. You tackled him to the ground and wrestled with him after mistaking him for one of your friends.
Your willpower eventually overcame his reflexes, and he stopped struggling. You had laughed when you pinned him down and ruffled his hair in victory. It was embarrassing to him how quickly he submitted to you. He watched your eyes widen when you noticed he's not your friend. You took in the scene too slowly. You, straddling who you had assumed was your friend with your hands pinning his wrists to both sides of his head, and Tim blushing underneath you. Tim didn't know how to react either, so you both stared at each other before you started awkwardly apologising.
Tim was a mess, but he was an adorable mess. His hair was ruffled, and his clothes were wrinkled, but there were no bruises nor any scrapes. You were always careful to leave no injuries. He was breathless, just staring at you with wide eyes and a shyness that almost made you smile. He was so cute that you wanted to squish him.
You quickly got off of him once you realised how long you've been staring at him. You pulled him up from the ground when he didn't make a move to stand by himself and actually almost fell right back to the ground because his legs refused to work for him. He was understandly stunned.
This is awkward. How do you explain the tradition of you fighting your friend on sight? Your friend does the exact same thing with you. It was excellent training for your deployment to fight each other on sight without any prep. Enemy soldiers aren't going to reveal themselves before attacking, so surprise attacks help keep your reflexes sharp.
"Sorry. I thought you were someone else."
He couldn't get the image of you pinning him down out of his head. Nobody has ever pinned him down so intimately. You were gentle. Your hold would have been easy to break out of if he didn't stop struggling. It was like you only played until one of you got pinned, and then the fight was over.
Tim was still trying to remember how to function. What does he do? What does he say? He's all shaken up. He had to look away from you. He managed to say,
"It's fine."
He tried to sound like it was no big deal, but it sounded strained. He was pretending like the wrestling really took it out of him by fake panting, but you both knew better. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, but pat his back and attempted to leave.
Attempted, being the key word. Tim caught your wrist loosely and nervously said,
"I, uh... would you... Can we... Let's... I'm sorry."
He didn't have the words with you looking at him like that. He was nervous. You smiled softly at him, and he forgot how to speak entirely. He could only stare until you took the initiative and asked him to go on a date before you leave for boot camp. He nodded, and that was that. You gave him your number and continued your run like nothing happened.
The date went amazing. It was a bit unconventional as you took him to a paint gun fight after showing him the gun and explaining the rules. You grinned every time he landed a hit and even wiped away the paint that splattered onto him with a fond expression. You opened up about the fear you have about joining the military, but your desire to help. You want to make a difference, however small or large that may be.
You kissed the bruising wounds softly and banaged the bleeding ones before he could even reach for the first aid kit you brought. You helped him up with a wild grin, and he kissed you until the adrenaline ran out. The guns were empty, and you both were messes, but your hearts were full, and Tim can safely say he hates paintballing. You took him to see a movie like a normal person next date.
Jason and Dick watched their brother soften further and further as he went down memory lane. Dick was ecstatic and already plotting to meet you, but Jason was confused why anybody would date Tim. Yeah, he's had his fair share of partners, but he's surprised every time he gets a date, let alone a girlfriend.
You were his mystery girl, and their family loves a good mystery.
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helen-with-an-a · 2 days ago
Hi, I was wondering if ale and amor would have kids (I forget if they are mentioned) and if so do you have any hc about all that?
I have mentioned it once? Twice? But I don’t mind talking on more depth loll
Previously mentioned:
Alexia already has baby names picked out (Talia for a girl, Jaume for a boy, unless Alba has a son first (it’s also Alba’s baby boy name) then it’s Eliá) - Amor has said that her family has to be able to pronounce the names/have a translation into her language that Alexia doesn’t mind her family using instead (beyond that she’s not too fussed over the names)
Amor really wants to use Ale’s egg at least once when they have children so she can have a big Alexia holding her hand and a mini Alexia on her hip (she doesn’t mind who carries the baby though)
So, it’s actually at Mapí’s 30th that the idea of kids comes up seriously. Amor and Ale have always known that kids would eventually happen for them but it was never really discussed when/how/who etc
Amor decides she’ll carry first since she’s the younger of the two and will probably be able to continue playing after pregnancy with a little more ease (and Amor hasn’t had any significant injuries and secretly doesn’t want Alexia to sit out from playing any more than she already has)
It takes a few tries but eventually they get pregnant with Baby no1. It’s a girl (Talia). She’s from Alexia’s egg and is quite literally Ale’s mini-me. Hazel eyes and blonde-brown hair and a huge love of football. She grows up to be a data analyst for Barça and eventually is the first female manager of Barça Femení (she was never a good player but she had a knack for the stats and plays etc)
Ale is obsessed with pregnant!Amor. If anything Ale falls even more in love with her. She’s the most perfect partner a pregnant person could ask for. Cravings? She’s out in every shop getting it. In pain? You don’t even have to wince and Ale is there ready for a massage. Morning sickness? Ales got the bucket and a hair tie ready to go and will give all the cuddles you need afterwards.
Mapí makes Amor promise she will never get pregnant again because Mapí can’t stand how in love Ale is (and it’s making her look bad with Ingrid)
Amor and Ale did discuss maybe having one of Amor’s family be the donor but they decided that was a little too weird for them if Amor thought about it for too long she got creeped out.
The birth and things went fine, Amor did struggle a little with breast feeding but she wasn’t too fussed about it, Talia was predominantly bottle fed anyway so that Ale could help out overnight and things
When Talia is 4, they decided they want another kid but Alexia is insistent that she carries. She had retired at this point and Amor is still thriving at Barça.
Ale really wants Amor to be the biological mother this time round and Amor agrees so long as the donor is the same one from Talia (so the kids are 1/2 siblings genetically)
It takes a little longer this time round and Ale gets really in her head about it. Despite knowing what can happen (particularly with “older” women who get pregnant), Ale has a hard time accepting that it isn’t her fault
Amor is practically begging for Ale to stop trying, and give themselves both a break and maybe start up later after a year or so but Ale is insistent. They compromise with one final try
It sticks and Ale ends up carrying twins (both girls) and it’s a comparatively smooth sailing pregnancy and birth. Victòria is the oldest and looks exactly like Amor. She grows up to be a history teacher and insists on having a Barça Femení display and a history of female football timeline in her classroom. She is has a massive agenda to push women’s sport at schools and becomes pretty big in that respect across Spain helping to set up in-school clubs and things for all sports. Rosa is the baby of the family and is a mix of Amor and the donor but does get Amor’s hair and eye colour. Rosa is very much the wild child of the family and spends a lot of time trying to figure out what she wants to do. She travels the world (which Alexia has regular panics about) and does tutoring in English, Spanish, Catalan and German to pay the bills when the money runs out. Eventually she becomes a sports photographer and settles in the WSL (mainly snapping pics for Arsenal)
Every time Amor sees Ale interact with the girls, her ovaries explode. Amor was always a bit on the fence about kids until she met Ale and then she couldn’t imagine not having a baby-Ale in her arms.
Ale has always known she wanted kids but she never suspected how much until she saw Amor. It scared her a little at first because she was always asked in interviews about what she wanted in 10 years time and it was always football. But then Amor appeared and suddenly it was a wife and multiple children and maybe a dog and a cat and it really scared Ale at first but then she was like, nope that sounds pretty perfect to me
When Ale and Amor are like in their 80s they just look around and think “yep, this is the good life” surrounded by their family, children and grandchildren and they’re just like this … this is what happiness is
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w0lvierama · 2 days ago
Boyfriend!Megumi, who tries to be sweet just for you. He’s not good at it, but he tries his best. He’s sure to tell you he loves you often, not wanting you to ever doubt your relationship with him. He kisses your forehead when you’re worried, always reassuring you that he’ll take care of things for you, no matter what. He gets embarrassed when you hold his hand in public, but he doesn’t pull away.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who is not one for pet names. He gets awkward when he tries to call you anything other than your name. However, you can’t help but notice how the tips of his ears grow red whenever you sweetly make up dumb nicknames for him. His favorite nicknames tend to be the dumber ones. He’ll sarcastically say that you’re going to make him sick with how sweet you are.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who always comes to you when he’s exhausted. He’ll melt into your arms, cuddling you as he tries to get the good sleep you tell him he needs. He sleeps a lot easier around you, and doesn’t get his usual nightmares. He likes it when you run your fingers through his hair while he’s dozing.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who summons his shikigami for you to cuddle with, because he knows how much you love animals. His shikigami are always happy to see you.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who saves up his allowance to buy you books and clothes. He won’t admit it, but seeing you light up and smile whenever he gets you a gift, makes his day so much better. Most of your jewelry is from him.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who gets his driver’s license and a car, so that you don’t have to take a taxi anymore and he can see you more often. He’ll drop you off at work, leaning over to mutter in your ear, “Have a good day. Call me if you need anything.” He’ll then kiss your cheek, and give your knee a squeeze.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who doesn't like you wearing skirts out in public because he’s worried you’ll be harassed. He’ll walk beside you on the street, a hand on the small of your back, glowering anytime someone else looks at you. He gets jealous easily, and can be a bit insecure about your relationship.
Boyfriend!Megumi, who only smiles when you’re around. You’re the only person who doesn’t annoy him constantly. He’ll act annoyed sometimes, but you can see right through him.
Boyfriend!Yuji Next! SFW again!
After Boyfriend!Yuji is Boyfriend!Choso. If you guys have any requests feel free to leave them in the comments. Otherwise, the ones I do next will probably be JJk Men as husbands. I’m not opposed to doing Part 2 of some of the boyfriends either.
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melanchoire · 3 days ago
i love your writings smmm ughhhhh😩 wish u wrote anythinggg on njz minji 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 like imagine minji giving you a head and eating u outtttttt for her own pleasure through overstimulating u..💔💔 clit slaps😵‍💫 and then guiding u to fuck her with pretty 9 inch strap on and provocatively sucking your strap😭 minji degrading u and calling a slut😩 and cuddles in the end with now cutest bear min
i absolutely NEED to write more for minji because she is so boyfriend and handsome and EVERYTHING anon if you have more ideas for minji my inbox is always open 👀
cw: cunnilingus, degradation, edging, fingering, hair pulling, use of strap on.
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minji looks like she gives you the best heads 😵‍💫 yes, she has such beautiful and kissable plump lips, but they look even better when they wrap around your clit and suck on it 🥰
have you seen those boyfriends who usually wear a hair tie from their girlfriends on their wrist to show that they’re in a relationship? well, from the outside it may look like minji is using one of your hair ties as a bracelet and showing that she is not available because she already has a girlfriend that she loves too much, but really, it’s mostly because she wants to be prepared in advance if the situation arises where she finds a moment to tie up her hair and start eating you 😭 and she looks so attractive when she has her hair tied up in a messy bun… she would tie her hair in front of you in the most sensual and slow way because she knows the effect it has on you, or other times she likes it when you’re the one who ties her hair while she is eating you 🫠
the feeling of your hands in her hair makes her sooo wet that she could cum just from the feeling of your fingers in her locks, one of the reasons why she sometimes prefers to have her hair down while she devours you. maybe it can be annoying because the strands tend to fall on her face, but she loves it when your hands run through her hair and pull on her soft locks, feeling much better than when her hair is tied up
minji has big, somewhat masculine hands that she makes the most of when you give her the chance to use them. it doesn’t matter if you have plushy thighs or slimmer ones, she can make her whole hand surround your whole thigh and always applying a pressure that leaves a mark of her fingers that will be there for days 😵‍💫 she uses this to her advantage to completely open your thighs to the point your legs are spread obscenely wide or push your thighs up until your knees are pressed against your chest and she commands you to hold them in that position
but just as her hands please, they also punishes! so imagine how a slap in the pussy feels from someone with big ass hands 😥 it would all start with you moving your hips, maybe up to fuck her face or trying to push your cunt away from her mouth by pushing them down into the mattress. minji would try to brush it off at first, pausing for a moment to furrow her thick eyebrows and gives a glance from beneath her eyelashes. she would let it go if it weren’t for the fact that you repeat the same mistake, and given her short temper, she suddenly moves away from between your legs and her palm lands on your pussy, giving you a sharp slap that makes you scream and your pussy turns a little red :( there are times when minji has less patience and gives you three or even five slaps in a row, pissed off on the outside but inside she is enjoying watching your pussy get swollen and get a reddish color 😣 she is so mean… but she can’t help but make you moan or cry
THE STRAP PART. you’re used to the fact that if you’re the one using it, she is on top or, as in most cases, that she is the one fucking you, but your girlfriend has needs too and you’re willing to fulfill them! even if you know it won’t end well
omg i know she gives the best head of her life to the strap, saying “we can’t use it dry, right?” looking up at you from below as she gets on her knees 🫠 and minji sucks the cock like it’s real?? first teasing and kissing the head to tease, but a few seconds later she already has more than half of the strap in her mouth while one of her hands caresses the base as if it were real… you can’t feel anything, of course, but the image of her so into her task and committed to fulfilling it that sometimes makes you wish you had a real cock just to experience this every chance you get
you worry about her because the choking noises are so obscene and she is drooling so much on the strap that her drool starts to drip down her chin 😭 but if you try to move away, her hands will go to the back of your thighs and use them to push your body towards hers, causing the tip of your cock to hit the back of her throat and her nose to now be against your tummy…
and degrades you while you fuck her even if you’re giving her a fuck that will leave her in bed the whole next day. she knows how to contain her moans, suppressing them by biting the lower lip and covering them with shaky laughter. she doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that you’re making her feel good, but not before making fun of you a little
“c’mon babe. fuck me properly.”
“is that all you got? aww sweetie… it seems that even after so much time in a relationship, you still don’t know how to please a girl.”
your energy may be starting to run out and you’re starting to feel tired, but that’s no excuse to give up just yet! you still have one task left to do: make minji cum
but you end up being so submissive and pathetic 😭 hugging her waist tightly and starting to fuck her at a speed that makes the bed creak beneath you two 😋 minji at this point doesn’t feel like joking around anymore because she feels so overwhelmed, so she wraps her legs around your waist and pushes your face into the crook of her neck, muffling your whimpers and moans because you were starting to get frustrated but feeling needy too :( pleasing minji always ends up causing this because her teasing always makes you so wet
and when you collapse on the bed after she cums on your strap she is the one who takes care of the aftercare because you always end up lifeless on the bed 😞 but kisses and cuddles with min are >>>
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angelesca · 2 days ago
d d d d dddd d DATING ANAXA HEADCANONS 🗣️🗣️🗣️ bc im proper insane, bonkers even (oh blimey she escaped the asylum again)
full art plug here😎
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did i draw this and imagine a million scenarios during it? yes. yes idid. this post is the result. btw havent played 3.1 so here are my wrong headcanons (more mischaracterisation? love that) (w/ gnreader as usual!) bc i love my men bratty and smart. WARNING!! i broke my sfw rules for anaxa LMAOOO💔💔mix of sfw + NSFW ahead guys look OUT ITS NOT A DRILL THIS IS HAPPENING AAAAA😭🙏
i imagine he lowkey loves it when you have your finger under his eyepatch and. penetrate it. into his cosmos space thingy. and like he breathes really heavy, flushed cheeks, some tears, def some stifled moaning, and will hold your wrist to nudge your finger further in. basically bro is getting off to it. will clean your finger with his tongue after the session, but you have to help him walk around since his legs are deffo jelly after that DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT IM SEEING PLEEEEASEEE SOMEONE WRITE THIS DONT MAMKE ME DO ITTT😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏
WILL TAKE OFF HIS RINGS AND PUT IT ON YOUR FINGERS RAAAAAAAAAAH and he def teases you by sliding it on your ring finger, gauging your reaction as he smirks (that sly sod omggg)
"hmm, this finger looks a little lonely... i could change that."
interlaces his hand with yours to stretch it, like a massage. knows all the pressure points to help de-stress you
uses his wind powers to do fun magic tricks and play with you like imagine he only has to flick his finger and the wind pulls you closer to him HUUUUUUUUUUU SICKCCKKKK. will also blow a calm, soft breeze if you need to relax and take your mind off things.
literally gets a kick off of flustering you (it's his love language) every time you ask him why his response is: "so? don't like it?" mans not embarassed💔
if you have any texting habits, like sending cute stickers or kaomojis, anaxa will copy it bc he thinks its cute and amusing. always replying to your messages, although the same can't be said with the chrysos heirs who nag at him for ignoring theirs
anaxa: where are you? i've been waiting for ages ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ you: ??? that's my kaomoji??? anaxa: ours now anaxa: (҂` ロ ´)︻デ═一 you: \(º □ º l|l)/
idk why i feel this so strongly but anaxa just does many smaller kisses, like pecks to the cheek. kinda playful, fleeting but always returning. i also feel like he's a neck kinda guy, always brushing his fingers along it or placing kisses. will secure you in place with a hug just to kiss the nape.
even though you two are together, anaxa will still give you stinky side eyes. loves to hear your gossip for sure, he doesn't say it but he loves chatting shit about others. will be the quietest ever when you have juicy stories.
will flame anyone who has made you upset to bits and pieces. bro's mouth is like a machine gun
likes to tilt your chin, moving it so you face him whenever he wants your attention.
he likes it when you take control, that brat taming typa shiii brooo00 he likes it when you rough him up, always a cheeky grin on his face. prods you as well, like "is that it?", "c'mon, harder my love..."
loves when you give him hickeys, or any markings like scratches. its like staking your claim on him and he fw with that😎
one sure way to get him flustered is straight up telling him "i love you". it forces him to confront his feelings head on and anaxa can't deal with that. will lightly flick your forehead, or anything to stop you from staring at his reddened face.
a/n: so. this is what happens whne im menstruating. how we feeling guys. it was jsut a few very insane headcanons tbh, the rest were fine, bit of an overreaction looool this is tame in comparison to my ao3 works. my god i need my daily cuppa where is it. this reminds me of when i was a wee teenager and experienced akechi from p5 for the first time. changed my trajectory fr. thanks akechi goro u saved ruined me
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